After announcing INO main themes for the year, the interested economies have at most a one-month period of time to declare their readiness for attending the competition to INOPS.
INO will be held at two stages. In all of two stages, the participant teams are looking for solving a problem related to a global challenge using nanotechnology (nanoscience). In addition to the scientific and technical issues, the participants should also empower their business and teamwork skills.
The first stage of competition will last for 4 months. The second stage of INO consists of about 3 months of local project development and 5-7 days in-person competition in the host economy.
At the first stage of INO, every economy will announce a call at the national level and invite the participants to present their technological ideas and plans with the aim to address the problems and challenges of interest. The way the participants should disclose their ideas depends solely on the overall policies of the participant economy. It is allowed to provide a fundamental idea and its possible practical implementations or an industrial / laboratory prototype. The ultimate outcome of this stage will highlight the selected teams which are eligible for their entrance to the Final stage.
The teams who are eligible to attend the Final stage of the competition should register on the official INO website and fill the required forms which include their proposed plan.
The Final stage of competition will be held in-person for 5 - 7 days in the host economy. Teams must prepare a presentation file and present it to the jury.