1st International Nanotechnology Olympiad

This report outlines the journey of organizing the first International Nano Olympiad, starting from the initial concept to its execution. Initially, the history of international collaborations during the Olympiad is reviewed. The sponsors and the schedule of the inaugural Olympiad are then highlighted. Following that, the training and mentorship provided during the Olympiad are detailed. The report continues with an examination of the submitted plans and the standard judging procedures used in the Olympiad. Subsequently, the report provides an in-depth description of the event’s logistics and concludes with information about the staff and the financial framework governing the Olympiad. Attached are notes and experiences from both the successful and challenging aspects of the first Olympiad’s implementation. It is hoped that this report will serve as a valuable resource for the Executive Secretariat of future Olympiads in host countries.
  • To download the report click here.